All of your payments needs. Under one roof.

Integrated View

Scube can easily connect to any of your accounting systems, saving you time and simplifying tasks, increasing productivity and freeing up resources.

Receive Payments

Add a payment link to customer invoices, making it easy for customers to pay and improve your cash flow.

Wages & Taxes

Simplify wages and tax payments from accounting system by connecting to bank accounts with few clicks.

Bill Payments

Any approved Bill is visible in the Scube app. They can be paid individually or grouped as a batch


Scube can automate regular payments like payroll or pension, as well as one-off payments.


With your payments in one place and updated in real-time, Scube gives you the insights you need, when you need them.


One view of all your payments

Get in touch to request a demo of Scube Payments and discover how it can help your business.